Julian Assange has left the UK

Julian Assange has left the UK

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been released from Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom and has left the country.

This is according to a statement by Wikileaks posted on X.

Mr Assange has agreed to enter a plea deal with the Biden administration that would allow him to avoid prison in the United States, according to newly filed federal court documents.

Under the new terms, the Justice Department will seek a 62-month sentence, which is equal to the amount of time Assange has already served in prison in London while fighting his extradition to the US.

The deal would then credit that time served allowing Assange to immediately return to Australia.

  • https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/julian-assange-has-left-the-uk/ar-BB1oOOT2?ocid=00000000


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