‘Nothing achieved’: Previous Coalition government had ‘energy policy stasis’

‘Nothing achieved’: Previous Coalition government had ‘energy policy stasis’

Assistant Trade Minister Tim Ayres has slammed the previous Coalition government for having “energy policy stasis”.

Australia’s inflation rate rose from 3.6 per cent to 4 per cent in May.

Markets are now predicting a 67 per cent chance of a rate hike in August.

“We have the lowest productivity growth in our history over a decade of the last government,” Mr Ayers told Sky News Australia.

“We’ve had energy policy stasis – nothing achieved in the energy system.”

  • https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/nothing-achieved-previous-coalition-government-had-energy-policy-stasis/ar-BB1oXZ5q?ocid=00000000


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