‘Remains to be seen’ whether Dutton can ‘land nuclear’

‘Remains to be seen’ whether Dutton can ‘land nuclear’

RedBridge Group Director Simon Welsh says it “remains to be seen” whether Peter Dutton can “land nuclear”.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton unveiled the Coalition’s nuclear plan last week.

“There’s certainly a sort of understanding that we need a mix, and most folk at the moment when they think about mix … that mix in their imagination is probably more renewables plus gas,” Mr Welsh told Sky News Australia.

“Whether Dutton can land nuclear as part of that mix remains to be seen.

“It’s a renewables-heavy future that most people think of when they turn their minds to it.”

  • https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/remains-to-be-seen-whether-dutton-can-land-nuclear/ar-BB1p1HSP?ocid=00000000


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