An acquired brain injury at six changes Jasmine’s life forever, now she is preparing for the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games

An acquired brain injury at six changes Jasmine’s life forever, now she is preparing for the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games
When I was six, I acquired a brain injury which was actually through appendicitis that became septic, which is pretty uncommon. Yeah, as a six year old, I ended up with two strokes in the right side of my brain, which affects the left side of my body. And since then and now I've suffered with left side weakness and a tremor in my left hand and leg. Walking at the time was probably harder than swimming, and it was a way for me to be able to move without pain. And also make friends for other people who'd been through similar things or completely different things as well. Yeah, I just found my passion for it. I found that I enjoyed doing it and I liked competing. And then I started being good at it. And yeah, I've just never stopped. So when I'm swimming in the pool, I'm competing against people who are with similar conditions such as cerebral palsy or acquired brain injuries as well, but also people who are missing limbs, like their foot and their hand. So sometimes people get a bit confused as to why, oh, why is she competing against someone with no hands? But it's actually that's how it's made fair because my level of impairment is the same as somebody missing a hand. The attention on Paris is gonna be like never before, especially with COVID, with Tokyo, a lot of people kind of had to watch it from TV because it was all over TV and that's why we got a lot of views. But I think this time people are actually going to be genuinely really interested, as they should be. It's going to be great. And yeah, I think it's just going to continue growing, which is exactly what the sport needs and deserves.


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