6 Tips to Keep the Home Sparkling Clean, According to a Professional Housekeeper

6 Tips to Keep the Home Sparkling Clean, According to a Professional Housekeeper

Listen, we get it. Knowing you have an entire house or apartment to clean can be incredibly overwhelming. Where do you even start? Is it more important to start with your bedroom or with the bathroom? What if you only have time to clean half of your home? There are a lot of questions that come with a list of cleaning chores and we are here to help you through it.

We all have to clean at some point and it makes the entire process so much easier if you're able to go in with a solid plan. Think of it like going to the gym! You want to enter the gym with all of the supplies you need, knowing exactly what muscles you want to work, and having time set aside to get it all done. That's exactly what cleaning should be like.

According to this housekeeper, who has been cleaning people's homes for over six years, there are six main steps to follow when starting off a cleaning session. This girl has tons of experience and has absolutely seen it all so if anyone knows how to handle this, it's her.

Professional housekeeper and TikTok creator Kaylie from @tidycademypro has clearly made a name for herself on the cleaning side of TikTok. With over one million followers, Kaylie, who posts all of her best cleaning tips, is always helping us out with home hacks that make our lives so much easier. Whether we need motivation to deep clean our sinks or we want to know exactly how to design the perfect kitchen pantry, Kaylie is our girl. Definitely give her a follow if you struggle with getting off the couch to clean because she will definitely kick your butt into gear.

Six Cleaning Tips Housekeepers Want You to Know

Getting started on cleaning is always the hardest part, just like getting to the gym. But the more prepared you are, the better your outcome will be. Following these six steps will ensure that you get the job done without totally going crazy.

1. One room at a time

One of the worst things you can do when you get started on cleaning is thinking that you can tackle the entire house at one time. Not only is this impractical, but it's just straight up not a good time. Who wants to embark on a six hour cleaning session? Definitely not me. The best way to get the entire house clean is to assign one room per day of the week, or two at a time if you're feeling up for it. Or, if you do want to clean the entire home in one day, focus only at one room at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed and sidetracked.

2. Declutter

Before you even touch your cleaning spray or your vacuum, pick up all of the trash and left out items. This includes stuff left out on the floor, trash bags, tossed-aside clothes, etc. It is so much easier to get started on cleaning a room when all of the excess stuff is out of the way.

3. One task at a time

Don't assign yourself everything at once. Think of it like eating all of your food separately on a plate. Stick to one thing at a time before moving on to the next thing. For example, if you're cleaning the bathroom, do just the tub first, then the toilet, then the sink. If you try to do aspects of each item all at the same time, it's more likely you will get sidetracked.

4. Take a break

It's okay to give yourself a few minutes to sit down! As this creator says, cleaning is exhausting. If your body feels sore or you just can't scrub another inch of the bathtub, give yourself a moment to step away.

5. Find a place for everything

It's so much easier to clean a space when every item has a home. If there are some items with no place to go, then it's time to maybe rethink if you need it or not. This step gives you the opportunity to go through your belongings and really see what's necessary and what is not.

6. Don't set it down, put it away.

This is the Golden Rule of cleaning. Try to implement this rule for yourself 24/7 as it will make you cleaning days a whole lot easier. We know it's so tempting to just set something down where you're standing or sitting, but trust us, it will not be worth it in the end. It only takes a few extra seconds to put something away and that will save you multiple minutes of decluttering on your cleaning days.

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  • https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/cleaning-and-organizing/6-tips-to-keep-the-home-sparkling-clean-according-to-a-professional-housekeeper/ar-AA1lacRe?ocid=00000000


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