7 Examples of Bad Behavior Parents Should Correct ASAP

7 Examples of Bad Behavior Parents Should Correct ASAP

Parents should correct these behaviors in kids as soon as they see it, before they become larger, more complicated issues.

Medically reviewed by Laura Anderson Kirby, PhDMedically reviewed by Laura Anderson Kirby, PhD

Bad behavior can occur in children of all ages for various reasons. However, it's important to nip bad behaviors in the bud and practice positive discipline strategies while kids are still young to prevent behavior from getting worse.

If your child is acting out in surly ways, it's important to get to the root of the problem before they reach adolescence, it's a lot tougher to turn that ship around once they've matured. Here are a few common behaviors to watch out for—and tips on how to handle them.


When kids routinely struggle to show respect to you or another adult, they might have a deeper issue. If your child speaks to you or another adult rudely or uses backtalk, take them aside as soon as possible after the incident and find out why they are acting disrespectfully. Try and keep an open mind, sometimes children have reasons to not like different adults in your circle. Shutting them down when they are showing disrespect could close the conversation on why they are feeling that way.

Always use good manners when you interact with your child, or with other people in your child's presence, so that they can learn by example. Thank them when they do something for you, say "please," and model respectful behavior.


Often, kids who struggle with respecting adults will also need help improving their listening skills. Your child may truly be distracted or dawdling when you have to repeat yourself several times, but they also may not listen because they don't understand how being ignored hurts the person speaking.

If your child is willfully ignoring you and doing something you asked them not to do, talk to them right away. Take them away from the action, whether it's a family dinner or a play date, and help them to reset themselves and give them space to calm down while you explain why their actions were harmful.

Explain to them the value of being a better listener, try and provide a safe space for them to practice listening. If they refuse, try asking them to explain what they're feeling and why they're struggling to listen.

Related: 6 Reasons Why Yelling at Kids Doesn't Actually Work


While it's natural for parents to want to give their kids the things they want and need, giving kids nearly everything they want could be harmful. To avoid spoiling your child, let them earn or save allowance money to buy some of the non-essential things they want.

Teach them how to experience and express gratitude (helping others through volunteer projects is one way to do this). You can also model this behavior yourself by bringing them with you as you do volunteer work.


While it can be understandable in a toddler or preschooler, a screaming and crying fit (and its equally bad behavior cousins, pouting and whining) in a school-age child is less acceptable. A 5- or 6-year-old may have an occasional meltdown, but they should be on their way to learning how to handle frustration in a more controlled, calm, and respectful way.

If your child has a tantrum, ask them to go to a safe, quiet place and sit down until they feel calmer. Some kids may need help doing this. You can provide assistance by remaining present and modeling calm.

Once they have reset their emotions and can listen, talk about why tantrums make it less likely that they'll get what they want. Discuss how they could have handled the situation better. Ask them to stop, take a deep breath, and think about those better choices the next time they feel frustrated.

Related: Teach Kids to Deal With Uncomfortable Feelings


Parents often worry that their children may be bullied and talk to their kids about what to do if that happens. But what if your child is the bully?

Talk with your child immediately if you suspect or find out they've been mean and aggressive toward someone or have engaged in gossiping, teasing, or insulting behavior. Find out why they did these things and talk to them about why bullying is absolutely unacceptable and harmful for the victim as well as for them.

Related: How To Deal With Bullying in Schools


All kids lie at some point, and young children often cannot distinguish between lying and imaginative play. But as kids get older, they may deliberately tell lies for specific reasons (to avoid getting into trouble, for instance).

If your child is making a habit of telling fibs, take steps immediately to find out what's behind the behavior, make it clear that you want them to stop, and show them why lying can harm relationships.


Some younger kids may cheat simply because they want to win, whether it's a board game or other playful competition. But older kids, who have a better-developed sense of right and wrong, may cheat deliberately (and in riskier situations, such as on a test at school). Talk to your child about how cheating lessens their achievements and emphasize the importance of fair play.

Key Takeaways

Handling bad behaviors when your child is younger will leave you feeling grateful later. The older your child is, the more difficult it is to make changes. It is important to view children positively as a society and as parents. They want to make good choices. These choices shouldn't be forced, and kids shouldn't be told that pleasing others is the goal. Rather, focus on cultivating an internal desire to treat others with respect simply because it is right.

Related: 10 Biggest Discipline Mistakes You're Probably Making

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Read the original article on Parents.

  • https://www.msn.com/en-sg/lifestyle/parenting/7-examples-of-bad-behavior-parents-should-correct-asap/ar-BB1qTKuH?ocid=00000000


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