Sonic The Hedgehog: Most Iconic Tails Quotes

Sonic The Hedgehog: Most Iconic Tails Quotes

Though Sonic himself has come out with his fair share of memorable quips and one liners over the years, another character in the Sonic universe who's become known for his way with words is the Blue Blur's best friend and number one fan: Tails Miles Prower. In many of the games, Tails acts as Sonic's voice of reason for when he's getting a little ahead of himself, and as a result, he always has some wise words to share with his buddy when he needs them most.

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However, this isn't to suggest Tails is deadly serious all the time, as he does also possess a rather goofy side to his personality which has seeped its way into his dialogue on more than a few occasions. Here are the Tails quotes that have managed to stick with players after all these years thanks to how impactful, witty, or funny they were when said by the fox himself.

"I've Built A TV Out Of Paper Clips"

Tails Brags About His Incredible DIY Skills

Sonic Lost World
Platform(s)Wii U, PC, 3DS
ReleasedOctober 29, 2013
Developer(s)Sonic Team, Dimps

Tails might not be the most confident or physically imposing character out there, but when it comes to DIY projects, no one can conjure up a quirky creation quite like he can. Throughout the series, Tails has put his engineering skills to good use by making an abundance of weapons and vehicles for him and his friends to use, but he's even managed to seemingly achieve the impossible by building a TV out of nothing but a few paper clips.

Tails mentions this during Sonic Lost World to demonstrate just how creative he can really be when he puts his mind to something while Sonic admires his buddies' new plane. Though it does come across as a little humorous, it also shows that, if Tails is able to create a device with nothing but a few everyday items lying around, then it makes sense how he would have the ability to forge the mechs and planes that he can be seen using in the games.

"Wow, My Head's Spinning"

It's Not easy Being Best Friends With The Fastest Hedgehog On The Planet

Sonic Heroes
Platform(s)PS2, Xbox (Original), PC, GameCube
ReleasedJanuary 5, 2004
Genre(s)Action-Adventure, Platformer, Fighting, Racing

While Sonic loves nothing more than racing around at lightning speeds, Tails isn't as much of a fan of physical activity as his plucky friend is. Still, he also isn't someone to turn down an opportunity to join in on an adventure, and his two tails can still allow him to keep up with Sonic while on the go. In trying to race alongside Sonic's speed though, it's led to some hilarious dialogue, especially this quote which he will say after exiting a loop-de-loop in Sonic Heroes.

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Shadow might not be much of a talker, but he has still come out with some iconic quotes throughout the Sonic series.

Sonic and Knuckles manage to get through these parts of the levels just fine, but Tails clearly doesn't handle them as well as his comrades, and it goes to show how much less experience he's had with exploring the world in comparison. This quote has also become especially memorable for the exaggerated vocal delivery, to the point where it's become somewhat of a meme in the community.

"Full Speed Ahead"

A Catchphrase Tails Uses To Hype Himself Up For The Mission Ahead

Sonic Unleashed
Platform(s)Wii, PS3, PS2, Xbox 360
ReleasedNovember 18, 2008
Developer(s)Sonic Team
Genre(s)Beat 'Em Up, Platformer

A quote which Tails has said on multiple occasions, but one which perfectly encapsulates his brave and courageous personality and could be considered his catchphrase is the iconic, "Full speed ahead". Most of the time, Tails will say this while flying the Tornado as a way to psyche himself up for what's to come, and though it's a pretty simple line, it proves to players that Tails is far from the cowardly fox he once was before meeting Sonic.

After embarking on so many adventures, and saving Sonic on numerous occasions, Tails has become accustomed to jumping head-first into dangerous situations, and he's willing to do so with a smile on his face if he knows he's doing the right thing. This line is also simply a fun way to get players ready and prepared for the epic adventure that awaits them.

"I'll Admit He Isn't Perfect, But Sonic Has Overcome Impossible Odds Over And Over Again"

Tails Always Has An Unwavering Belief In Sonic's Abilities, Despite Also Knowing His Faults

Sonic Frontiers
Platform(s)Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox One
ReleasedNovember 8, 2022
Developer(s)Sonic Team
Genre(s)Action, Adventure

Sonic has made a lot of friends throughout his many adventures, but no one will ever know him quite as well as his brother in arms, Tails. The truth is, after spending so much time with Sonic, Tails is fully aware of his positive traits, but also his many faults. He knows Sonic can often get ahead of himself and likes to act cocky at the worst of times, but underneath it all, he still has a heart of gold and will always put himself out there to save those in need.

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This quote, which is said by Tails in Sonic Frontiers, is him reminding Sage that, even though Sonic's made a few blunders here and there, he always seems to come out on top, no matter what Eggman and the other villains throw at him. This quote obviously emphasizes the importance of Sonic as a character in the world, but it also highlights the intimate bond shared between Tails and his closest friend.

"So...How Did You Know It Wasn't The Real One?"

An Unusual Blunder From Tails Which Lets His Naivety Shine Through

Sonic Adventure 2
Platform(s)Dreamcast, PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox One
ReleasedJune 19, 2001
Developer(s)Sonic Team USA

He may be a technical and engineering prodigy, but one of Tails' biggest faults is he can still be a bit naive at times. The biggest example, which is actually very relevant to the wider plot, comes in Sonic Adventure 2 when Tails come face to face with none other than Dr Eggman himself. At this point in the story, Tails and Sonic had tried to trick Eggman by giving him a fake Chaos Emerald; something the doctor isn't actually aware of.

However, to make sure that this is a legit emerald, Eggman says to Tail he's aware that he'd given him a knock off, only for Tails to give the game away by asking "How did you know it wasn't the real one?". This was all Tails had to say for Eggman to confirm the emerald in his possession was indeed a fake, and it's a silly blunder by the fox that proves that, as smart as he is, sometimes, it's better if he holds his tongue rather than speaking out loud.

"All's Well That Ends Well, Right?"

A Tone-Deaf, Memorable And Hilarious Quote To End Off An Epic Adventure

Sonic Adventure
Platform(s)Dreamcast, PS3, Xbox 360, PC
ReleasedSeptember 9, 1999
Developer(s)Sonic Team

There have been plenty of times when Sonic has said something which can come across as rude or arrogant given the situation, but in comparison, Tails often tends to be a bit more cautious with his words to make sure he doesn't say anything too jarring. However, there was one bizarre instance in Sonic Adventure where Tails says something so tone-deaf, it comes across as genuinely hilarious.

After Station Square is almost completely destroyed, with many of the buildings being blown to bits and the entire area being flooded, Tails simply comments on the horrible situation by saying "All's well that ends well, right?". Why Sega decided to use this specific bit of dialogue is baffling to say the least, but because of how out-of-the-blue it is, the quote has actually raised a lot of discussions online concerning what it even means, and whether Tails knew what the saying meant in the first place.

"I've Changed A Lot Since I Started Hanging With Sonic, But I Can't Depend On Him Forever"

Tails May Idolize Sonic, But He Must Also Stand On His Own Two Feet

Sonic Adventure
Platform(s)Dreamcast, PS3, Xbox 360, PC
ReleasedSeptember 9, 1999
Developer(s)Sonic Team

Tails has learned a lot from Sonic during their many escapades, but above all else, he's managed to feel a lot more confident in himself, not just in terms of what he can contribute to a mission, but also with being more comfortable with his two-tailed appearance. With that being said though, while it's clear Tails idolizes Sonic to a certain extent, he still doesn't want to rely on his friend to solve all of his problems, and this personal back and forth is what truly lies at the heart of their relationship.

Sure, Sonic doesn't mind helping his pal out whenever he can, but Tails still wants to prove to his friend, and to himself, that he also has what it takes to help save the world from Eggman and his evil schemes. This specific quote comes near the end of the original Sonic Adventure when Tails is about to face Eggman head-on, and it's a line that says so much about Tails' character, and the personal journey he's gone through across his many game appearances.

Darkest Sonic The Hedgehog Games, Ranked

"Darkest" may not come to mind when thinking of Sonic games. However, many titles have complex stories, intense soundtracks, and deeper meanings.



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