Dragon Ball: What Makes Gohan And Trunks Different From Pure Saiyans

Dragon Ball: What Makes Gohan And Trunks Different From Pure Saiyans
  • Mixed-blood Saiyan children like Gohan and Trunks lack the combat addiction and appetite for destruction that pure Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta have.
  • While this makes them calmer and more suited for a steady life on Earth, they are unprepared to face powerful threats without consistent training.
  • The best approach for mixed-blood Saiyans is to find a balance between pursuing a meaningful life on Earth and still training their bodies and combat instincts.

At different points in Dragon Ball, both Goku and Vegeta can be considered as some of the universe's most powerful beings. They fought together against a tyrannical monster like Frieza, a being that can destroy a planet with a single attack, and won. Then other strong and maniacal opponents like Cell and Buu came along, and we got to see their children, particularly Gohan, and Trunks, grow up to be somebody as strong, possibly even stronger, than their fathers.

Nowadays, however, while the dads are still pursuing more power and fighting against even stronger opponents, Gohan and Trunks mostly spend their time on Earth pursuing their passions and enjoying their youth. Gohan even decided to be a scholar, a career that is the exact opposite of a fighter like his father. So what makes a mixed-blood Saiyans like Gohan and Trunks so different from pure Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta?

RELATED: Dragon Ball: The Downfall of The Saiyan Race, Explained

The Three Biggest Traits of A Pure-Blooded Saiyans

Whether it is an orphan child raised on earth by a kind kung fu master or a prideful prince of a planet full of warriors, every member of the Saiyan race shares these same three basic traits: Combat Addiction, Regenerative Ability, and Appetite for Destruction.

Every Saiyan loves combat. They are a race that thrives and feels alive on the battlefield. The stronger the opponent, the more excited they become. Left alone, they will inevitably fight among themselves to prove who’s the strongest Saiyan. However, since they invade planets for a living, they get to fulfill their desire to fight by simply doing their job. So in a sense, the reason why the Saiyans become the strongest warriors in the universe is simply because they are doing something that they love every day.

Although Saiyans are an incredibly powerful race, it doesn’t mean they are unbeatable. There are people all over the universe that can beat a Saiyan. What makes the Saiyan interesting and dangerous, however, is the fact that they will get stronger after each fight. Their body has a unique regenerative power that allows them to not only recuperate from a terrible injury, but their muscle also will get stronger, their energy level will increase, their bones will get denser, and their fighting instinct will increase tremendously. What doesn’t kill them will literally make them stronger.

Last but not least is their insatiable appetite for destruction. Since the Saiyan loves fighting very much, it’s easy for them to lose themselves in a fight. After all, there’s no greater feeling for them than pushing themselves to the utmost limit and destroying everything in their path. Granted, not all Saiyan are like this. Those who are raised in a calmer and kinder environment, like Goku, tend to be much more level-headed and rarely lose control. But for the most part, the Saiyans love going on a rampage.

What’s Missing From Mixed-Blood Saiyans

Combat Addiction, Regenerative Ability, and Appetite for Destruction. These three traits exist in every Saiyan, although to a varying degree. For example, while Goku is certainly addicted to combat and has a remarkable regenerative ability, he doesn’t have that much appetite for destruction. As for Vegeta, he is relatively on par with Goku in every trait, except his appetite for destruction which is way higher than Goku.

And now it’s time to talk about their kids. Interestingly enough, although Gohan, Trunks, and the other Saiyan children on Earth can exert as much power, if not more, as their dads, two basic traits are missing in themselves. Combat addiction and the appetite for destruction. Just like their fathers, Gohan, Trunks, and the other Saiyan children can become stronger after each fight. Their Saiyan blood will ensure these mixed-blood children get back stronger after every defeat. That being said, their Earthian blood significantly suppresses their desire for combat, which means their appetite for destruction is practically non-existent as well.

That is why when Goku and Vegeta instinctively try to find the next challenges to overcome, their kids prefer to spend time with their family, hang out with their friends, play games, and pursue their passions. They don’t mind sparring from time to time and when the need arises, they will gladly unleash their full combat prowess.

What Is The Impact of Not Having Those Traits For Mixed-Blood Saiyans

The loss of two basic traits that are extremely fundamental to every Saiyan can bring about positive and negative outcomes for Gohan, Trunks, and the other Saiyan children on Earth. The positive side of it is the simple fact that these kids are a lot calmer than their father. They won’t go out of their way to seek new opponents to fight, which makes them suitable to hold a steady job on Earth. After all, both Goku and Vegeta are practically useless when it comes to doing regular work. A Saiyan needs an intense rush of adrenaline in order to have a fulfilling life. Regular jobs on Earth will bore them to death.

On the other hand, there are so many bad guys out there across the vast multiverse, that a new threat can appear on their doorstep any day of the week. Just like any other skill, fighting requires time and practice. Since Gohan and the other Saiyan children are too busy with their normal lives on Earth, they are terribly unprepared to face any oncoming attacks from powerful beings like the Golden Frieza or Moro the Planet Eater. That is why even though the teenage Gohan could single-handedly defeat Cell and give Buu a hard time, his power level has decreased tremendously these days.

In conclusion, the mixed-blood Saiyan children lack the thirst for combat and the appetite for destruction that their fathers have. That is why they are different from pure Saiyan like Goku and Vegeta. There are positive and negative aspects to both sides of the spectrum, so the best approach is to stay in the middle. Pursue a meaningful life on Earth while still training their body and combat instinct from time to time.

Dragon Ball is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

More: Dragon Ball: The Gods of Destruction, Explained

  • https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/dragon-ball-what-makes-gohan-and-trunks-different-from-pure-saiyans/ar-AA1gsdRU?ocid=00000000


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