10 Best Game of Thrones Friendships, Ranked

10 Best Game of Thrones Friendships, Ranked

The Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon has recently returned for its second season, continuing another tale of vicious politics and deadly wars. Though the original series received a great deal of criticism following its last season, the new spin-off still has a lot to live up to, including the exceptional characterization of both main and side characters.

Though the fight for the Iron Throne was the central focus of Game of Thrones, the emotional stakes of the show were compelling. Fans were entertained by the battles and schemes but were enchanted by the rich complexities of many beloved characters. Among the dozens of characters in GOT, there were a few friendships that were so exceptional that they continue to be talked about and analyzed years after the show's conclusion.

Davos and Shireen Were Both Mentors And Students

  • Davos Seaworth is played by Liam Cunningham.
  • Shireen Baratheon is played by Kerry Ingram.

These two side characters had one of the most endearing relationships in Game of Thrones. Davos sympathized with Shireen, the daughter of his first ruler, Stannis Baratheon because she was often overlooked for having greyscale on her face and not being a son. When Davos was deemed a traitor temporarily and thrown in Dragonstone's dungeons, Shireen visited him and taught him how to read and write.

Shireen being sacrificed by the Red Priestess is a controversial Game of Thrones scene. Her demise was not only devastating because she was an innocent child but because Davos was a beloved character who deeply mourned her loss. Though Davos was seen as a father figure to Shireen due to their age difference, there was a sense of mutual respect that made their friendship unique.

Jaime and Bronn Are Shockingly Similar

  • Jaime Lannister is played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.
  • Bronn of the Blackwater is played by Jerome Flynn.
House of the Dragon Characters and Their Game of Thrones Counterparts

House of the Dragon has proven to be a worthy successor to Game of Thrones, with some characters even mirroring those from the original series.

Bronn of Blackwater was originally introduced as a Sword-For-Hire who protected Tyrion after fighting in a Trial by Combat to save the youngest Lannister from execution. After Tyrion escapes King's Landing, Bronn begins an unlikely alliance with Jaime Lannister. Their relationship began earlier when Bronn taught Jaime how to fight left-handed with a sword after losing his right, but their camaraderie increased when Jaime hired Bronn to journey to Dorne with him.

This seemed to be an unlikely friendship that began as a transaction for mutual gain. However, the two men soon learned to trust and respect each other. This had a lot to do with their similar personalities. Though Bronn wasn't born with the titles and power Jaime did, the two are known for saying inappropriate and brazen things. Their honesty, although often unsavory, made these two easy traveling companions and allies.

Bran and Hodor Are a Destined Pairing

  • Brandon Stark is played by Isaac Hempstead Wright.
  • Hodor is played by Kristian Nairn.

At the beginning of Game of Thrones, Hodor is a dedicated servant for the Starks. He stays loyal long after the fall of Winterfell, journeying with Bran over the wall so the boy can find the Three-Eyed Raven. In Season 6, Episode 5, "The Door," the audience learns Hodor was destined to save Bran from the Night King's army. He saw the event in a vision as a child, repeating "hold the door" until it ended up altering his mind so that all he could say was a warped version of the phrase: "Hodor."

This was a tragic moment, and Hodor's demise was one of the most devastating in the series. However, Hodor was more than a protector and servant to Bran. The Stark children loved Hodor, understanding him through his tone and body language despite only repeating one word. Before Bran became the Three-Eyed Raven, he cared just as much about his friend as Hodor did about him.

Tyrion and Bronn Were a Hilarious Duo

  • Tyrion Lannister is played by Peter Dinklage.

Tyrion is a beloved Game of Thrones character, and Bronn is an adored side character. The two meet and become companions when Tyrion hires Bronn to protect him. However, their relationship was more than transactional, with Tyrion often confiding in Bronn about his struggles and Bronn offering his typical brutal and honest advice.

Toward the end, Bronn's dedication to the Lannisters was rocky, feeling as if the two brothers he befriended failed to keep promises. Despite this, when he's tasked with assassinating Jaime and Tyrion by Cersei, he refuses. Bronn's odd sense of loyalty, though demanding compensation for it, makes him an entertaining and complex character. His honest nature is likely why he was appointed Lord of Highgarden and Master of Coins in the Small Council, which Tyrion ensured due to Bronn's sensible nature.

Jon and Sam Were Unlikely Friends

  • Jon Snow is played by Kit Harington.
  • Samwell Tarly is played by John Bradley.
House Of The Dragon: Every King Who Sat On The Iron Throne (In Chronological Order)

The Iron Throne has long been a significant point of contention in Westeros' storied history, with many kings living and dying in pursuit of it.

Jon Snow and Sam Tarly entered the Night's Watch at the same time, beginning their long journey from Season 1 to Season 8. Jon was a natural when it came to fighting and swordplay, but Sam was clumsy and terrified, forced into the brotherhood by his father. Despite their differences, Jon and Sam quickly became friends, relying on each other when they didn't feel safe among their own allies.

Throughout the years, the two friends make their way in the world, fighting to protect the Seven Kingdoms from the Night King while growing up and finding their paths. Jon is a proven warrior that defeats the odds to win various battles and Sam goes on to train to be a maester, using his knowledge to aid their cause. These two men aren't friends because of many shared interests but an investment in each other's success due to their respect and love for one another.

Jaime and Brienne Were a Fierce Couple

  • Brienne of Tarth is played by Gwendoline Christie.

When Brienne promises to return Jaime Lannister to King's Landing in exchange for Catelyn Stark's children, it seems the pompous knight and under-estimated warrior would never be allies. However, after taking turns saving each other, Jaime and Brienne develop a relationship. Though they had different ideas about honor and duty, they refused to put each other in harm's way, even if they fought on opposing sides.

Jaime Lannister is the subject of many of the shocking scenes in Game of Thrones due to both his terrible and admirable decisions. One of his best decisions was aiding the North in the fight against the Night King, which reunited him and Brienne for a bloody battle and one passionate night. Fans had high hopes for these two would-be lovers, but in the end, their bond of friendship was stronger than anything else between them.

Daenerys and Missandei Face the World Together

  • Daenerys Targaryen is played by Emilia Clarke.
  • Missandei is played by Nathalie Emmanuel.

In terms of Game of Thrones friendships, there seems to be a power dynamic issue between that of Daenerys and Missandei. When they meet, Daenerys frees Missandei from slavery. The freed woman becomes Daenerys' most trusted ally and friend, offering advice on personal matters as well as those regarding the queen's political and strategic moves.

There's no denying that Daenerys has power over Missandei, yet she rarely uses that to undermine her most trusted confidant and friend. When they are in danger, Daenerys is seen as concerned over Missandei's safety as hers. It's the demise of this dear friend that arguably pushes Daenerys to a breaking point, resulting in her burning the city of King's Landing with Drogon's dragon fire.

Arya and The Hound Greatly Influenced Each Other

  • Maisie Williams plays Arya Stark.
  • Ser Sandor Clegane is played by Rory McCann.
The 35 Strongest Game Of Thrones Characters, Officially Ranked

The weak don't survive in Game of Thrones, thanks mostly to these powerful warriors who haunt Westeros and Essos.

The Hound was on Arya Stark's list of people she intended to kill for the downfall of her house and the inevitable demise of her father. She gets her opportunity to do so when The Hound kidnaps her, intending to sell her to a family member. However, as the pair traveled and witnessed various tragedies and depravities, they realize they are more alike than they would have thought.

After The Hound is severely injured in a fight against Brienne of Tarth, Arya has the chance to finally enact her revenge but chooses to leave him to his unknown fate. This act seemed to be her leaving him for a painful death, but it was also a sign that she now had respect for him and couldn't end his life. Their journey together was one of the most popular sequences, highlighting how the lines between good and bad people weren't as clean as one would think.

Daenerys and Jorah Had an Unbreakable Bond

  • Jorah Mormont is played by Iain Glen.

In Season 1, Jorah Mormont was a banished man secretly sending information about Daenerys and her brother Viserys to King Robert Baratheon. He quickly realized that his alliances were misguided and swore to protect Daenerys and support her claim to the Iron Throne. Even after Jorah's betrayal is revealed, and he is banished from Meereen multiple times, he inevitably still continues to be one of the greatest advisors in Game of Thrones and Daenerys' longest and most trusted friend.

Jorah's death defending Daenerys during the Long Night was the most admirable in the battle, as well as the most heartbreaking. His loyalty to the last known Targaryen was not for monetary or status gain but due to his unwavering love and devotion to the woman he cherished over everything, including his own life.

Jon and Ygritte Are the Most Beloved Game of Thrones Relationship

  • Ygritte is played by Rose Leslie.

Jon first met Ygritte beyond the world, choosing to spare her life. This resulted in him being kidnapped and eventually creating a deceptive alliance with the king of the Free Folk in order for him to protect the world from the White Walkers. Despite Jon's deception, he and Ygritte developed a strong bond and eventually began a romance that ended when he chose to return to the Night's Watch.

This is yet another relationship that is thwarted by politics, ending in tragedy with Ygritte's death. Still, their friendship had a lasting impact on Jon and would influence his decision to side with the Free Folk for the greater good. This decision leads to Jon's demise at the hands of the Night Watch, which is remedied by the magic of the Red Priestess. Aside from Jon and Ygritte being a beloved Game of Thrones romance, their connection and compatible personalities left an impression that affected the storyline years after Ygritte's passing.

  • https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/10-best-game-of-thrones-friendships-ranked/ar-BB1owA9W?ocid=00000000


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