5 Minute Session To Increase Mobility And Reduce Lower Arm Stiffness

5 Minute Session To Increase Mobility And Reduce Lower Arm Stiffness

5 Minute Session To Increase Mobility And Reduce Lower Arm Stiffness by Masaya Sato

Bachelor - Physiotherapy · 15 years of experience · Japan

This short wrist muscle exercise can help you decrease your muscle tension around your forearm and wrist and can help to normalize muscle imbalance and improve wrist mobility. While typing on a computer causes muscle stiffness and dysfunction of wrist function due to overuse in the working environment, it somehow causes serious health issues. Compared to classic stretching techniques, using muscle contraction techniques provides some functional benefits for optimal health.

Health goals:

  • Improve Flexibility


  • Forearm Stiffness Relief
  • Increased Wrist Mobility
  • Reestablishes Muscle Imbalance

Muscle group targeted:

  • Arms

Equipment needed:

  • No Equipment

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  • https://www.msn.com/en-my/health/other/5-minute-session-to-increase-mobility-and-reduce-lower-arm-stiffness/ar-BB1mxzSK?ocid=00000000


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