Southgate lifts the lid on the pressures Jude Bellingham faces

Southgate lifts the lid on the pressures Jude Bellingham faces
You were supported on the bench in extra time by Kane and Bellingham, who did a bit of coaching. Is their involvement a good sign? Well, they couldn't run anymore, so they used their voices instead. Look, I think you'll have seen with those two, with Trippia, the the spirit that's there, and they knew that we, we had to take them off. They, they'd run their race. We needed freshness. We needed to alter the shape a little bit to give ourselves the best chance of getting through the game with unbalanced team by the time we'd got the equalizer. And yeah, they, you know, they, they were both prepared to sacrifice that for, for the group. So that they had done their job. They're then of course in the hands of the rest of the squad. But that's actually a really powerful moment for a team because it's one thing to win games when all your star players are on the pitch, But when actually all the changes are delivering and it's a critical moment of the game and they feel that they're trusted in those moments or they've played a huge part in the result, then that's brilliant for the spirit of the group. Yeah. Garrett's from Norwegian Norwegi Bella Gamble's here explained his celebration scream and said that people are talking a lot rubbish. Can you describe the pressure that's been put on him and during this tournament? And how is it for you and your team to perform when the criticism obviously has reached your camp? Yeah, look, I've said for a long, long time, he was 21 yesterday. And you know, he's he's doing unbelievably well. I understand his world better than a lot of people. I think his world is different to pretty much every other 21 year old in in the world. He's had an incredible impact on his clubs, his national team already, but he's still a young man and he is going to say things, react to things in a way that young people will so. But what he can provide us are these moments where he grabs things by the scruff of the neck and his character and his personality creates moments that can change a big game. And, you know, that's what he has has given to us again today. Two hugely important goals for us in this tournament already. Yeah, he's a he's a, a great boy. He's super to work with, wants to do well. And also I think he knows that we're trying to help him through all, all of these challenges and hurdles that the different environment of the national team brings because it is a different environment. Hi, Gareth. Oliver Holt from the Daily Mail. Gareth, just a couple of quick things. One was I remember in the aftermath of of the 1999 Champions League finals when United obviously losing for a large part of that, Charlotte Ferguson said that he'd started to think about how he had to lose with dignity. He wanted to be dignified in defeat. Had you started at all? I know you're busy with other things, but you started at all to think about the aftermath and being dignified or whatever. And the other thing is a bit more simple. Do we have to play better to beat Switzerland? Yes, is the obvious answer to the second part. The first part, no. Look, you always know when you leave the hotel in a knockout game that there's two possible paths and you, you just don't know how that's going to end up. You know, it's knockout football and anything is possible. But while the game was going on, we were just trying to make the best decisions possible, make changes that gave us a chance of scoring but didn't leave us completely unbalanced and wide open to to counter attacks. Then when we'd got the goal, OK, we probably need to change the shape because we're a bit of a mess in terms of how many attacking players on the pitch. So, so really you're just constantly thinking through, trying to think as clearly as possible in those moments. And as I said, the the players that came on did a fantastic job with and without the ball to to make the difference. Hi Gareth, James Ollish from ESPN Johnstones has just said in a Flash interview that he feels we can take the handbrake off now and show ourselves. Do you sense there's still a bit of inhibition maybe within the players and, and, and if so, can a comeback win like that sort of freedom from it? Well, tonight was an example of cup football. You know, sometimes cup football is about character, is about heart, is about spirit. Yeah, we we didn't defend well at the start. And, and as I've said, we we didn't play through their press, which was really well organised and we struggled to break that first line of pressure. So that that wasn't handbrake, that was, we had a problem that we couldn't solve getting the ball into the second line of the pitch. And there's a big difference. So yeah, I think that the the game against the Swiss will throw completely different tactical problems just as difficult, just as complex and and a different solution to solve. But as I said, we've got a few days to recover and that that's going to be important because the energy levels that were required, the whether we've got any injuries or we need to assess, obviously we lose Mark for the next game as well. So yeah, plenty for us to think about.


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