How To Make A Strawberry Shortcake Cake With Tara | Bake In

How To Make A Strawberry Shortcake Cake With Tara | Bake In
Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Bake In. Today we're going to be making a cake, and it's a Strawberry Shortcake cake. Without the shortcake, just the cake. So a lemon cake filled with master of strawberries and delicious cream. Put it all together. Let's get started. All right, so first up, we're going to do the dry ingredients. So we're going to set them all together. We've got 390 grams of flour here and they're trying not to make a mess today. I've got about 1/4 teaspoon of fine salt. Quarter teaspoon of of baking soda and two and three quarter teaspoons of baking powder. I'm just going to sift this in. I'm ready making a mess. There's flower clouds lovely and I'm just going to give this a little stir. I like to sift my flowers and things because that way I'm sure there's no clumps, no weird bits. Excellent. Now we move on the fun part of butter. So this is quite a bit of butter. It is 390 grams, no 340 grams. I was close though, and what we're going to do is we're going to cream the butter really well with, you guessed it, sugar. And this is 400 grams of granulated sugar. And for this you want to make sure that you use a hand mixture like one of these. You can use your hands, it just needs to get really, really light and fluffy. So you will be there for quite a while doing it and get really nice arm workout. So you want to make sure that your butter is really nice and soft at room temperature so that it is easier to incorporate and you can whip it easily. Otherwise you're going to have a really hard time trying to break up those butter bits. I'm just going to give the bowl great so I can get everything off the sides to incorporate it. I don't know if you guys can see this texture, but it's already get into that really nice and creamy stage. We're almost there. I'm gonna keep going a little bit more perfect. So to this we're going to add egg whites and just egg whites, no egg yolks. This is going to help make the cake really nice and fluffy. And I don't want it to be like a yellow tinge cake. I want it to be more of just a white cake. That's why I'm not adding the yolks. There's so much butter. I'm not really losing out on all the fat that you would get from the egg yolk, so it kind of balances it out. Hopefully that's the right signs behind it, but trust me, it works and it's delicious. So I've got 4 egg whites here that we're adding in and you can just use egg whites from a carton for this, or fresh egg whites from an egg. Whatever you prefer. They worth work perfect. And then we're going to add a bit of vanilla, just about 1 teaspoon and I'm also going to add the zest of 1 lemon, which is going to give it that really nice lemon scented flavor, the lemon flavor. So by the end of this, I want this to be pretty much just a white lemon, actually. Really satisfying. There you go. Nice white clean lemon. And you can use this for all the juice. Roast whatever you put, put in a roast chicken. Delicious. There we go. So I'm just going to blend this all together now. Fabulous. All right. So I'm going to bring back those dry ingredients that we mixed earlier and I've got 360 mils of milk here as well, which we are going to alternate adding to the butter mixture to make the cake batter. So we're going to start with 1/3 of the dry mix and you don't want to over mix it. So just until it's incorporated, perfect. And then we're gonna add half of the milk and mix this together and it will start to look a little bit curdled when you do add the liquid in. So don't be, don't be afraid. And then another third of the thigh mix starting to look like a cake butter. All right, what did I just add our milk? The rest of the milk isn't track here, and you always want to finish with your flour to kind of seal it all together. So we're going to add the rest of the flour. Lovely. Oh, this looks so nice. So I'm just going to use a spatula now to scrape it all. Make sure that I've got everything from the bottom. And if you don't like lemon, you can switch it for any flavour that you do like. Almond would be really nice. Just plain vanilla is delicious. But for me, lemon cake is the best. So this cake batter actually fills 3/8 inch round tins, but I'm only going to use it to fill two of them. And then for the remaining batter, I'm going to actually make some cupcakes just to have as a snack. Because cupcakes you cut it in half. Tasty cake butter. Yum. Nice and lemony. If you do want to cut it down and cut it in half, you can make 3/6 inch layer cakes. So first what we're going to do? Oh, it's a heavy, nice armor. Go see. Come on guys, baking muscles. We're going to fill these cake tins up only 2/3 of the way because we want to leave the middle, 2/3 of the way because you want to leave loom, leave loom, leave room for them to rise in the oven and I don't want them to overflow or over bake or anything like that. So 2/3 full, it's perfect Rule found. 2/3 full for cake tins. Oh no, spilled some. I'm going to try not to make a mess today. And again, palette neck. And then I'm just going to use an offset spatula to help smooth the cake into a really nice flat top. Ideally, when I'm doing cake pans, I like to weigh them so that they're all equal, or use a ice cream scoop to make sure I put the same amount of scoops in. But I broke my ice cream scoop. I need to get another one. I'm just going to go by eye today, so let's bring this one out. And what I've done before I put them in was I greased and lined cake tins with butter, parchment paper and flour. So that way I know I can just slide them right out without any sticking issue. So I've got the oven preheated to 180° and I'm going to bake these cakes for about 30 minutes until the toothpick comes out clean and they're nice and golden brown on top all right. So while the cakes are cooling, they're just sitting on the side over there. I'm going to masterate some strawberries, so for that we need, well, strawberries. I've chopped them quite thick, about 1/4 inch or so, because I don't want them to kind of just be too thin. I want them to give some height to the cake as well. And to that I'm going to add 70 grams of granulated sugar. So what that's going to do is as it sits, we're going to have it sit for about 30 minutes or so. It's going to help bring up the juices of the strawberries and it's going to make a really nice sweet syrup that's going to prepare perfectly with the cake and soak into it just a little bit as well. Just give it a bit of a stir, incorporate, and at this point you can add some really nice flavours. You could add some more lemon zest. You could add cardamom. If you want to make it a little boozy. You could add some coconut rum. You could add a bit of limoncello. Really whatever takes your fancy. I'm going to go quite simple here with just sugar and strawberries because I've got lemon in the cake already. Great. So now we're just going to put this aside and let it sit for about 30 minutes until they have really nicely reduced, until they have released their juices and they'll be really nice and juicy. I'm running out of space in my kitchen right now. We move on to the cream filling. Alright, so we've got our cakes cooling so they're cooled completely. We've got strawberries macerating and now what's left is to make the cream filling. So for this we're going to be using cream cheese because I want to add a bit of a tartness to the cream filling so it's not too whipped, creamy, I mean I just want a bit more body to it. So that's where the cream cheese comes in and says you can see it is quite soft here. And to this I'm going to sift in 80 grams of icing sugar. This is to make sure again that there's no clumps in the icing sugar. Icing sugar is notorious for having clumps and I want a really smooth cream filling. So don't not do these important steps. And to that we're going to add just a half a teaspoon of vanilla and then hand it in a hair mixer. Again, I'm going to whisk it until it's nice and smooth. Icing, sugar mess as usual. As usual. What's next? Oh yeah, so I've got another bowl here into this. I'm going to pour in 250 mils of heavy cream, whipping cream, double cream, and we're going to whip this until we get really nice stiff peaks. I'm not doing at a really high speed. I don't want to incorporate too many Bay air bubbles right away because that will cause it to deflate a lot quicker. You basically want whipped cream to get really small, tiny bubbles. And I don't want to whip it too much more than this because it does have a tendency to get over with really quickly. And now I'm going to fold it, so I just want it to be just stiff enough to fold in. All right, So I'm going to bring back in that cream cheese mixture and we're going to add in some of the whipped cream to start. This will help loosen the cream cheese a little bit more so that I can fold it a lot easier. This is going to taste amazing, the rest of it. So the cream cheese does. It also helps to stabilize the whipped cream so that it doesn't kind of fall apart and spread out everywhere. When we decorate the cake, it'll give it a little bit more height and volume and the delicious cream cheese Tang that we all know and love. So I believe that is nicely mixed through. Looks fabulous and creamy and delicious. I'm going to give it a taste. Delicious. It's going to go so well with the strawberries and the cake. I can't wait. But still, the cakes are really cooling and I want them to be completely cool so that this cream mixture does not melt everywhere. Otherwise we'll have a disaster. All right guys, so the cakes are completely cooled. And now we are ready to build our Strawberry Shortcake cake with a hint of lemon. Let's go. So got one layer of cake here. Look how beautiful and golden brown it is. Are you ready to see the inside? What I've done is it's got a bit of a Dome on top and I've cut off the top, just a thin top layer because I want the strawberries to be able to soak into the cake because obviously it's delicious. So just take off that thin top layer and the perks of this is bakers get to eat that. It's really lemony and delicious. You can see the lemon also tinted it just a little bit yellow, which is beautiful. It's a really nice crumb. I'm excited. So first up, strawberries. You can see how much juice they have let out. Beautiful. So that's going to soak into the cake to be really delicious. I'm just going to put them in a nice layer. I'm just going to start using my hands, which are clean by the way, just to kind of place them in because I want it to look really nice on the sides when I present it at the end. So I don't want to overdo it either. Awesome. So now I've got the delicious cream that we made earlier, and I kept it in the fridge while the cakes were cooling because I didn't want it to sit out too long, get too soft. So I'm just going to dollop this on for the top and just gently spread it over the berries and don't spread it right to the edge because once you put that piece of cake on top, it's going to push everything down a bit. Great. So second layer of cake, I've done the same thing, taken off the top, right on top. Just make sure it's even. Oh guys, I don't know about that side, but this side looks delicious, nice and flat. So again with the strawberries, last couple guys here, boom, awesome. And then the rest of the cream capping. So this you're gonna want to decorate a little bit so it looks really nice because it is the top of the cake now. So I'm gonna do some dots, dots, some dollops and then we'll decorate it with the back of a spoon. So I'm starting in the middle and then I'll work my way to the edges with it. Just take your spoon and just do like little wisps and waves with it, just until it's all covered. So this would be perfect for an afternoon tea, for a birthday celebration. If you're doing any drive by birthdays, or if you have anybody at home who's celebrating, or even just because you really wanted a nice cake to treat yourself, why not, Right? Why not? I mean, that's not. And then I've just taken some strawberries and I've cut them in half and I'm just going to garnish the top with just a few of them. And I'm going to take a little bit more lemon. I'm just going to zest a little bit of lemon on top just so they know there is a bit of lemon flavor in it. Perfect, you guys. This is great for that. Yay. We've got got dot. We've got a Strawberry Shortcake cake, 2 layers of delicious lemon vanilla cake, macerated strawberries, some nice cream cheese, whipped cream layers of it. So let's dig in. All right, guys, for the moment of truth, we get to finally try the cake. It looks really delicious and super moist. The strawberries have actually soaked into the cake, so it's really delicious. And strawberry. And with that extra batter, I made all those cupcakes, so I've got a little snack for later as well. So I've got a big cake and some cupcakes. Win. Win, right? Let's give this a try. Delicious. It's got such a nice balance. You get the lemon strawberry, the really fluffy moist cake, cream cheese cream filling. Oh this is so good. This is definitely a winner. I need to find some friends to share this cake with today. Otherwise I'm going to Thanks again guys for tuning into another episode of Bake In. Stay tuned for next week for another delicious bake. See you then.


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