Ranked: The World's 49 Most Mouth-Watering Restaurant Dishes

Ranked: The World's 49 Most Mouth-Watering Restaurant Dishes

Some restaurant dishes are so legendary that food lovers will travel across the globe to seek them out. And we’re not just talking about high-end, expensive food here; some of the world’s greatest dishes are served at humble spots you might otherwise overlook. Here, we reveal the amazing restaurant dishes that should be on everyone's bucket list, from once-in-a-lifetime meals at expensive restaurants to cult-favorite fast food dishes.

Click or scroll through our gallery to discover the world's tastiest culinary gems worth a journey, counting down to the tastiest of them all.

We've based our ranking on the enduring popularity of each dish in its place of origin and beyond, and on the opinions of our well-traveled (and well-fed) team. The list is unavoidably subjective.

  • https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/ranked-the-world-s-49-most-mouth-watering-restaurant-dishes/ss-AA1uo5tL?ocid=00000000


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