England youngster Adam Wharton discusses 'loner' tag

England youngster Adam Wharton discusses 'loner' tag
You mentioned your dad there. He's described you, I think, when he's on a couple media interviews as a bit of a lonely, is he right? And and I wonder how easy it is to fit in with, you know, you got hurricane, you got Jude Belling and you got Phil phone and these superstars that you're now training with and playing with. I think the loners a bit harsh. No. I'm not. I don't have a million friends. I sort of keep myself to myself. And that's just how I've always been. I've always been, really. And that's it sort of works for me. I live on my own in London now, so. Yeah, I don't. I'm not always out with my friends doing this and that. And I think part of being a footballer, you know, you can't go out on the weekends when you're growing up and things like this, they're sort of sacrifices you have to make. So yeah, I'm I'm not alone at all. I'm not like the most outgoing person you're ever going to meet. I'm not going to go into a room. People I don't know and just. Be very, very loud. Just keep myself to myself. Starts. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think they've all the, all the lads have made it very easy. They're all very welcoming, all happy to chat and. So that's definitely made it easier. But yeah, we're all involved in football. There's plenty of things to talk about in that sense, so. Yeah, I've spoke to a lot, probably all the lads now and. Yeah, not, not one of them has been sort of difficult to speak to. So yeah, they made it very easy.
  • https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/other/england-youngster-adam-wharton-discusses-loner-tag/vi-BB1o9o2H?ocid=00000000


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