Giant colony of 180,000 found inside ceiling of house in Scotland

Giant colony of 180,000 found inside ceiling of house in Scotland Giant colony of 180,000 found inside ceiling of house in Scotland

A giant colony of 180,000 bees has been found living in the ceiling of a house in Scotland.

Beekeeper Andrew Card of the Loch Ness Honey Company who came to relocate the insects from the home in Inverness, claimed that they had probably been living there for several years behind the plasterboard.

It is understood they went undetected for so long as they were in the ceiling of the spare bedroom, however the owner said that whenever his grandchildren came to stay they would mention about 'listening to the bees at night.'

In total three separate colonies were found, each expected to have around 60,000 bees, which is above the average for a colony this time of year.

The team removed the bees using a specialised vaccum and moved them into temporary hives.

The colonies will now be monitored for parasites over six weeks, and fed to ensure they have the best chance of survival over the winter months.

Next year they will then be used for honey production.

Last month a windscreen repairman was also left 'shell shocked' after a swarm of bees descended on the BMW he was attending.

The Autoglass employee from Kent heard a loud buzzing over his shoulder moments before the insects descended on the car.

He raced back to his van and contacted local beekeeper Peter Down for help. It is thought the insects were in search of a new home having outgrown their previous hive, with the BMW 2 Series deemed the optimum size.

Pictures show the vehicle parked in Lydd, Kent being effectively 'taken over' by the swarm.

Mr Down, 41, moved most of the bees into a mobile hive, including the queen so that any left would follow.

Mercifully, nobody was stung by the swarm - which appeared last Thursday afternoon.

Posting the pictures on Facebook, Marsh Apiaries - who have adopted the bees - commented: 'These little ladies decided to make a new home in a BeeMW. [sic]

'All the car wanted was a new window screen and clearly queen bee wanted to do her own inspection along with her fellow honey bees and she approved of the work being done, she is now settled in her new home and the car window screen has been fitted!!'

Mr Down described the 'shell-shocked look of the windscreen repairman when he arrived at the scene.

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