'Consider ceasefire soon, Zelenski'

'Consider ceasefire soon, Zelenski'

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban asked Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky during his visit to Kiev to consider a quick cease-fire. After all, that could speed up peace talks, according to Putin's Hungarian sympathizer.

The Hungarian prime minister went on to say that his country would like to have much better bilateral relations with Ukraine and that his country is ready to participate in the modernization of Ukraine's economy.

Orban is known as Putin's most loyal ally among European leaders.

(SR for Tagtik/Picture by president of ukraine licensed under cco_1_0)

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  • https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/other/consider-ceasefire-soon-zelenski/ar-BB1pgZRg?ocid=00000000


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