Laziness can be a sign of intelligence according to science

Laziness can be a sign of intelligence according to science FluxFactory | Getty Images

Are you feeling lazy today?

If so, you might be tempted to feel guilty or ashamed of your lack of motivation. But what if we told you that being lazy could actually be a sign of intelligence? That's right, according to a new study published in the Journal of Health Psychology, people who are less physically active tend to have higher cognitive abilities than those who are more active.

What is the need for cognition?

The study was based on the concept of the need for cognition, which is a trait that measures how much people enjoy thinking and problem-solving. People who have a high need for cognition crave mental stimulation and often pursue activities that challenge their minds, such as puzzles, debates or reading. People who have a low need for cognition prefer to avoid complex tasks and instead seek physical or sensory stimulation, such as sports, exercise or entertainment.

How did the study measure laziness and intelligence?

The researchers used a questionnaire to assess the need for cognition of 60 participants, who were then divided into two groups: thinkers and non-thinkers. The participants also wore activity trackers for a week, which recorded their movements and energy expenditure. The results showed that the thinkers were less physically active than the non-thinkers, especially during the weekdays. The researchers suggested that this could be because the thinkers got bored less easily and spent more time engaged in thought, while the non-thinkers needed more physical activity to stimulate their minds.

What are the benefits of being lazy?

While being physically active is undoubtedly good for your health and well-being, being lazy could also have some advantages. For one thing, lazy people might be more efficient and innovative, as they tend to find easier and quicker ways of doing things. As Bill Gates reportedly said, "I always choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." For another thing, lazy people might be more well-rested, as they tend to sleep more and avoid overexertion. According to another study by the same researchers, people who sleep more are actually more physically active than those who sleep less, as they have more energy and motivation.

How can you balance laziness and intelligence?

Of course, being lazy does not necessarily mean being smart, and being active does not necessarily mean being dumb. There are many factors that influence both physical and mental performance, such as genetics, environment, education, personality and mood. The key is to find a balance between laziness and intelligence, between physical and mental activity, between rest and work. By doing so, you can enjoy the best of both worlds and optimize your potential.

by Yuda Prawira


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